2 min readJun 27, 2023


As a parent, have you ever stopped and thought about the intentions behind the way you parent? Do you know and understand who you are raising and what kind of person you want them to become?

These are important questions to consider as we navigate the challenging and ever-changing terrain of parenthood.

Intentional parenting means actively making choices and decisions about how we want to raise our children. It means thinking about our values, beliefs, and goals as parents and using that to guide our actions.

It is about being mindful and deliberate in our interactions with our children and being intentional about the type of relationship we want to build with them.

Intentional parenting is not just about setting rules and boundaries. It is about understanding our children’s unique strengths, weaknesses, and personalities and using that to determine the best approach for disciplining and encouraging them.

It also means focusing on our children’s emotional development and ensuring that they have the tools they need to navigate the ups and downs of life.

But how do we determine who we are raising? What qualities do we want to instill in our children as they grow and develop into the people they will become?

Here are some key characteristics that intentional parents often strive to nurture in their children:

1. Resilience: The ability to bounce back from setbacks and overcome challenges is a crucial skill for success in life. Intentional parents help their children develop resilience by fostering a growth mindset and helping them learn from failure and mistakes.

2. Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Intentional parents encourage empathy by modeling kindness and compassion and helping their children see the perspectives of those around them.

3. Responsibility: Responsibility means taking ownership of one's actions and being accountable for them. Intentional parents teach responsibility by giving their children age-appropriate tasks and chores and helping them develop a sense of pride and accomplishment in their work.

4. Perseverance: Perseverance is the ability to keep going even when things get tough. Intentional parents teach perseverance by encouraging their children to set goals and work towards them, even when they encounter obstacles along the way.

5. Self-esteem: Self-esteem is the belief in one's own worth and abilities. Intentional parents help their children develop self-esteem by providing them with unconditional love and support and praising their efforts and achievements.

In conclusion, intentional parenting is about being mindful and deliberate in our approach to raising our children. It is about understanding our children’s unique strengths and weaknesses and using that to guide our interactions with them. As we strive to raise resilient, empathetic, responsible, persevering, and self-confident children, we must also remember that we are not parenting alone. Seek out support, advice, and resources to help you navigate the challenges of parenthood, and remember that the most important thing is to show your children love, respect, and kindness every day.

